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How to Submit

Email your submission to, taking care to complete all of the items below.


Omission of any one of these items may disqualify your submission from being reviewed.

The Nitty-Gritty

  1. Before submitting, please review the contract (link here) and be prepared to confirm that, if selected, you will agree to sign.

  2. In your email, please include 

    • A brief cover letter—no more than 300 words 

    • Write, “I have read, and would abide by, the contract if my poem is selected.”

    • First Name, Last Name

    • Email Address

    • Phone Number

    • A short biography—no more than 150 words—written in third person.

  3. Your work—up to three poems (no more than 6 pages)—should be submitted as a a separate MS Word Document attachment for each poem, named “[Poem Title]” (Example: Old Bridge by the Railroad Tracks.doc)

  4. Do not include any identifying information on the Word document itself or your poems may be disqualified. 

  5. Format your poems how you want them to look on the page and, if selected, we will be in touch with you regarding formatting issues. Do not include attachments, images, links, or embedded files in the work. If these elements are important for your work, please indicate in your cover letter (in the body of the email) the details and include these elements as separate attachments.

  6. Email complete submission to Must be received by MAY 1, 2024 by 11:59 pm.



B. Eugene B.s' Artist Statement

Different forms of self are apparent in my art. My visual art is closely tied to my process of writing poetry, and these two forms of expression are considered the same child in my mind; not a closely related phenomenon, but an alternate form of the same creation.

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