Some Rules ...
We value freedom within a framework within these guidelines:

Although there is no restriction on the selected poets’ age, those under 18 need to have a parent or guardian release (included in contract) for inclusion in the anthology.
Poets may submit up to 3 poems each formatted in 12-point type on a letter- size page, with no more than 6 pages total.
We are not able to accept hard copies of your work—just emailed digital submissions (see details below).
The anthology will include no more than two poems from each received submission.
Submitted poems can be previously published, whether in print, online, or via social media posts. Any previously published poem should include publication details, which will be included in the anthology.
Each poem must be an original work by the person submitting. We ask that you not submit work that has been predominantly generated by artificial intelligence. This anthology is a vessel for lived Tacoma experiences, which means its poems should be written by humans.
We recognize and celebrate the subjective nature of artistic expression. Poems that contain language that is overtly vulgar, intentionally offensive, or wholly inappropriate to the anthology will not be accepted.
Poets can live anywhere, and be of any age, and must abide by the contract if they are selected.